Tuesday 23 September 2014

How to Set a Static and Dynamic Ip Address In kali Linux & IP address configuration in Kali Linux

In this Blog i have show you . how you are set your Kali and other Debian linux for static and dynamic ip. Kali is built on Debian platform, in our configuration guide we are going to cover IP address configuration in Kali Linux.

IP address configuration & Static and Dynamic ip address set in Kali Linux

 steps:-. IP address configuration in kali linux Static and Dynamic.

2. Virtual Interface and Virtual IP configuration configuration in Kali Linux.
3. How to change hostname and how to add route in Kali Linux

1. IP address configuration in Kali Linux (Static and Dynamic).
IP address configuration in Kali Linux , there are two methods (static / dynamic)  By default Kali Linux uses DHCP settings , The network configuration file locates in /etc/network/interface.
firstly you need to check out how many network card installed in box by issuing below command.
#ifconfig -a
Below parameter require for dynamic IP from DHCP server
#vi /etc/network/interface
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0 # detect link
iface eth0 inet dhcp #  using DHCP method
Save & Exit!
Use below command to restart network service to reflect the changes made in
#/etc/init.d/networking restart
#service networking restart
Below parameter require for loopback address, it’s default (
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
Below parameter require for static IP configuration , we assume that only one network card installed, if you have more than one you can use different IP to each of the network card. the label for network cards will be like eth0 ,eth1…
#vi /etc/network/interface
auto eth0 #interface name
allow-hotplug eth0 #link detection
iface eth0 inet static # define IPV4 the ip using static method
address # IP address
netmask # subnet mask
gateway # gateway (router)
Save & Exit!
Use below command to restart network service to reflect the changes made in
#/etc/init.d/networking restart
#service networking restart
Below parameter require for IPV6
iface eth0 inet6 static
address fe80::c0a8:fc
netmask fe80::c0a8:0
gateway fe80:0:0:0:0:0:c0a8:fe
Use below command to set networking service on at boot .
# update-rc.d networking enable
Use below configuration file to add name servers , you must have this settings in order to communication external network through host name like www.google.com, something.com , mail.yahoo.com.
Append following file to add name server details.
# vi /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver #internal DNS server
nameserver #public DNS server
Save & Exit.
Verify dns settings are working properly , use below useful commands .
#dig google.com
#host google.com
#get www.google.com
Change the interface status , bring it UP / Down
#ifconfig eth0 down
#ifocnfig eth0 up
2. Virtual Interface and Virtual IP configuration configuration in Kali Linux.
Virtual IP, assigning multiple IP to an interface.
Create a virtual interface and assign an IP address within the network or other network. A virtual interface can have IP address of different network than physical interface.
You can create any number of virtual interface and each one can have IP of same network / other network.
#ifconfig eth0:1 netmask up
Note : eth0:1 (eth0 is physical , :1 is virtual interface identifier number)
Example :
eth0:3 ….
#vi /etc/network/interface
#                               physical interface settings
auto eth0 #interface name
allow-hotplug eth0 #link detection
iface eth0 inet static # define IPV4 the ip using static method
address # IP address
netmask # subnet mask
gateway # gateway (router)
# virtual  interface settings
auto eth0:1
allow-hotplug eth0 #link detection
iface eth0 inet static # define IPV4 the ip using static method
address # IP address
netmask # subnet mask
auto eth0:2
allow-hotplug eth0 #link detection
iface eth0 inet static # define IPV4 the ip using static method
address # IP address
netmask # subnet mask
auto eth0:3
allow-hotplug eth0 #link detection
iface eth0 inet static # define IPV4 the ip using static method
address # IP address
netmask # subnet mask
Save & Exit!
Use below command to restart network service to reflect the changes made in
#/etc/init.d/networking restart
#service networking restart
3. How to change hostname and how to add route in Kali Linux
use below configuration file to change hostname
#vi /etc/hostname
#invoke-rc.d hostname.sh start
reconnect the ssh session to verify hostname status.